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Updated on:
May 13, 2024

Languages & translations

The multilingual feature in KatanaPIM simplifies reaching global audiences.

on this page:

Adding a new language

Default language

English is the default standard language in KatanaPIM, serving as the foundation for internal filters and organizational processes.

Please note: changing the default language is possible, but it's recommended to contact our support team to ensure seamless integration with your existing setups

How to add a new language

  1. Go to the configuration tab and select "Languages."
  2. Click on "Add language". For example, to add French:
  3. Provide a title (e.g., French).
  4. Add the language culture (e.g., French, France).
  5. Enter a unique language code.
  6. Copy and paste the flag name to represent it visually.
  7. Ensure the "Published" box is checked, then click "Save."

After adding a new language, you can seamlessly begin working on translations directly within your product listings.

Managing translations

The translation feature simplifies the process of handling multilingual product data. It offers an intuitive interface that helps you visualize and manage translations across multiple languages efficiently.

Translation progress overview

  1. Access a clear overview of translation progress for each product directly from the product details page.
  2. Navigate to the 'Edit Product Details' page of any listed product
  3. Visual progress bars indicate the completion status of translations in each active language, helping you quickly assess what needs attention.

Editing translations

  1. Click on a specific language to access the detailed translation view.
  2. Fields will be displayed side by side in the default language and the selected translation language. This allows for easy comparison and editing.
  3. To edit a translation, simply click into the text field of the target language, make adjustments, and click 'Save' to apply the changes.

Please note: fields displayed for translation are derived from the default language setup. Only fields with content in the default language are eligible for translation; if a field in the default language is empty, it will not appear in the translation views for other languages, ensuring clarity and focus.

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